Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Givens & Leisures

In random order, I hope to accomplish the following in 2009:

The givens...
  1. pray more (for continued blessings and the less fortunate)
  2. lose weight (ideally 30 lbs, realistically 15 lbs)
  3. exercise more (I ran last week so I kinda started early!)
  4. get my M.A.
  5. have someone help me organize my life
  6. give/donate a LOT of my things
  7. even though I don't want to, do more chores
  8. spend quality time with family
  9. follow up on my health (dental included)
  10. be more financially responsible
Now onto the leisures...
  1. take a photography/photoshop class
  2. take dance classes
  3. start up yoga again
  4. become either a eucharistic minister or lector
  5. scrapbook more
  6. gtg more often with friends
  7. keep in touch more often
Last few years, I told myself I wasn't going to do them anymore because I wasn't following them.  We create resolutions so that we can better ourselves.  Well this time, I am going to make every effort to follow them.  I know that I can only be a better individual for me and family, just by doing so, especially the givens.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Grown Up Christmas Wishes 2008

"I still believe in Santa Claus,

maybe that's just because I'm still a child at heart,

and I still believe in old St. Nick,

but then again maybe that's the trick we need,

we need to retreat to a world of make believe.

Let's make this Christmas last forever,

shine a little love along the way for the sake of all children

let love show us the way.

I still....

This time of year is for the giving,

this time of year is for the joy.

May joy and happiness be with you always this day.

I still...." ~ NKOTB *winkwink*

With that said (in random order)...
  1. Celine Dion's My Love Ultimate Essential Collection
  2. Flash compact card for my Nikon D40x
  3. 5* VIP pkg to NKOTB (that's if they even do that again for a rumored summer tour)
  4. Chick-Fil-A
  5. Sprinkles
  6. Organizer (of pack rats like me.. and that's saying more than I really want to!)
  7. Housekeeper (bc I can't stand cleaning!)
  8. A trip anywhere outside of SD
  9. Scented candles
  10. Uggs tall and black (size 6)
  11. Photography and photoshop class
  12. Dance classes
  13. Hooded wool coat
  14. Chanel purse
  15. Black Juicy Couture bag
  16. Premium annual pass to Disneyland & CA
  17. Old Spaghetti Factory
  18. Spa mani/pedi
  19. Massage
  20. Olive Garden
  21. Buca di Peppo
  22. Gourmet bagger
  23. Daphne's
  24. Surf city squeeze
  25. Winchell's French Vanilla Chilla
That's quite a list, although I know there's more.

Thank you in advance Santa Claus!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I long to be a Woman of Strength


A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape ... but a woman of strength looks deep inside to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything... but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her... but a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future... a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman walks sure footedly... but a woman of strength knows when to ask for help.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face... but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the whole journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong!

Chosen Scriptures of the day: "This is My beloved Son, hear Him." Luke 9.48                                                      

Word of the day: "Many times it is better to be kind, than  being right!"

food for thought; " When you limit yourself, you limit God; and when you limit God, you limit yourself !"

"This isn't it.  Fame is not the goal.  To look younger is not the goal.  Money is not the goal;  but to know how to get PEACE of mind; how to be HAPPY, how to be confident, is something you just don't stumble accross. . . . .   you've got to search for it and find it !"

Smiling <3 *Catherine

Friday, November 28, 2008

Literally Shopping til the break of Dawn

So she said, "You didn't hear it from me, but we're opening at 10p."  Then a thought popped into my head.  I'm going midnight shopping.  I assumed that I was going be there for just a couple of hours.  haha.. that was a joke.  Instead of go @ 10p, I decided to wait for my sister to get off work @ 11p.  

So I am going to share my interesting experience with my list of misconceptions of midnight shopping:
  1. I was not the only one who decided to go.  haha.. what was I thinking?  Traffic was seriously bumper to bumper.  I had NO idea it was going to be this much traffic.  We parked in a dark lot across the shops.  Now talk about safe at midnight.
  2. I just couldn't look at things.  I had to get in line to get IN the store before I could even look around and shop.  Then I had to get in another LINE to pay for it.  Wow, was I misled?
  3. Parents swear we live in Alaska where they thought it was okay to bring their babies and children to midnight shopping.  It isn't winter solstice here in SD, it's two in the morning parents!
  4. Food indulgence.  It was unbelievable to me seeing people eating at the food court.  I mean, we're talking full on meals.  Oh and they had to have FUNNEL CAKE!  I resisted the temptation when I realized it was 3a in the morning.
  5. Patience is a virtue.. for some.  I heard about stories about black friday shopping going array, but I was fortunate enough to not encounter any of those.
With that said, I shall be shopping again.  Amidst the busy-ness, I still had a great time with my sister.  It made for a fun midnight shopping experience.  By the way, I didn't get home till 6a in the morning and I didn't spend over $300!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Have Hope

Today I had to get a smog check.  I figured I better do it now before I get penalized.  

Something happened today that made me think.  I met a man who opened a door to possible new adventures for us... 4 wheel off roading!  This man, Moose, goes off roading in Borrego Springs regularly.  There's a club/group of them that go together every now and then.  Moose got to talking and said that our Land Rover would be great on a run like this.  I actually thought this would be fun.  I'm just a lil hesitant though bc not sure how the kids would handle it, moreover how I'D handle it!  Haha

But Moose isn't really the purpose of this blog.  It's his coworker whose name I don't remember.  But let's call him Greg.  Moose was saying how Greg likes to go off roading,  Greg interjects saying he has a jeep and a bike but says he can't go on these fun runs because he can't afford it.  Moose continues to say, "Someday you will."  

"Now that we've got this guy as president, I'll never be able to.  I'm stuck in this deadbeat job as a mechanic."  He continues on to say that he can't go back to school.  He just continued on in such a fashion that really got me thinking.  He was very pessimistic.  He honestly felt that there was no hope for him.  

It made me think about how many others feel this way.  How many others truly feel that there is not much else they can do to improve their lifestyle?  That is just really sad to me.  I felt like whatever encouragement I gave, there was no solution to his problems.

I pray for all those people who feel they have no hope.  I hope they find that twinge of motivation to make things happen, make their dreams come true.    

Monday, November 3, 2008

Photostream LIVE

I know that I haven't posted a REAL blog lately. I have been going through some things. I'm better now so I will try to get back into the swing of things.

I do want to officially state that our photostream is LIVE (if you haven't already notice) and there you will find our updated and current photos of the fambam.

You do have to be my friend to view most of them.. I think.. haha.. I forgot what my settings were on there.

Anyway, while I get my blogging back into business, go check us out on Flickr!

And if you aren't my friend on Facebook, be one. I hardly go on MySpace anymore.

Smiling <3 *Catherine

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tech Support

I received this in my inbox awhile ago.. Author unknown

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are Running?

Tech Support: What programs are running?

Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer Disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from Being properly installed. Can you turn those off?

Customer: I don't Know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.!

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, 'Error - Program not run on external components.' What should I do?

Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Customer: So, what should I do?

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations. !

Customer: Okay, done.

Tech Support: Now, copy them to the 'My Heart' directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before We hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with ! others and return some cool modules back to you.

Customer: Thank you, God.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ill Babies

In the last two days, we have had to cater to two ill babies.  Does this come with the tuition to preschool?  

High fevers are scary.  Does this mean now they aren't going to get the flu later?  Should I take them to get flu shots anyway?  Hmmm.. it is no fun when your babies are lethargic.

I pray for better health in the morning.

Smiling because you're reading :D,

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I love Fantasy!  Fantasy football, that is.  I'm one of those girls who dig watching good football.  I started a league with some of my Indies friends and I am in 2nd place.  However, I do have a 2nd team on there, but I am not paying to much mind to it because I realized how unfair it was for me to start another team in the same league.  My good reason is that I didn't want anyone to have a bye week because of the uneven number of teams.  But now I feel bad I did because DH says it's unfair.  I didn't realize that and now I think I should apologize to my league members.

Anyway, I love football and I love my Chargers.  I made a booboo last week and benched SD's defense.  What in the world was I thinking after last week's game?

Gosh I love FOOTBALL!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Useless Facts

I borrowed this from, Miss Liz Hernandez from Big Boy in the Morning Z90.3 (Power 106).

Useless facts that you can use to get the conversation going this weekend. Enjoy!

1. 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
2. Chocolate can kill dogs; it directly affects their heart and nervous system.
3. American Airlines saved $40,000 by taking an olive from First Class salads.
4. The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA.”
5. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan. There was never a recorded Wendy before it.
6. Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow the film down so you could see his moves.
7. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than has in it to begin with.
8. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
9. China has more English speakers than the United States.
10. You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Royally PO'd

Before I indulge myself in Sprinkles cupcakes, I need to say how royally PO'd I am with today's unfairness of what they call referees!

It's worse for my brother, who was AT that game!

Dang refs, dang broncos.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I apologize for the major delay.

I just completed my 2nd graduate course.. Final paper A+, Course Grade A+!!  Whew those super late nights pay off!  But can I tell you that I am extremely exhausted right now.

I just had to come on here to say that I am going to Malibu tomorrow with the babes, my Mommy and my sis, who is the Malibu Triathlon on Saturday.

Oh and I adore Aga Muhlach.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

K & N's Montessori

A little update on the babes and pre-school.. they're doing well!

Kai goes five days a week while Niki goes three days.  She only goes part time because Ms. Riffi (their teacher) doesn't have the capacity for her age group full time.

Mahal takes them in the morning (I prep their clothes for them) while I pick them up in the afternoon.  I love it when I get there because I wait until they've noticed that I've arrived.  And it is soooo awesome when you see that look, the element of surprise as they see someone they love.  Kyan's hilarious; he screams and runs right to me!  Nakia is shortly behind him.  I love it!  
I can't wait to actually see them bring some school work home.. hehe.  It'll probably be a bit, but I'm looking forward to it.

I know it costs a lot of money.  I mean, for Kai alone is over $10k in a year.  Nonetheless, I am very happy to have them there.  Riffi & Shermeen take good care of our bambinos and it shows.

Good and Not so Good

O m g . . . has it really been two weeks since I last posted?!

So sorry.. that was terrible of me. I have had many things going on. Good and not so good. I certainly need prayers for the not so good part, which in due time I will share. Btw, it has nothing to do with the other not so good, that yes I did not share. But I do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.

So a few things that I will certainly elaborate on . . .

*First week of school
*First day of preschool for the bambinos!
*Not so good family news
*Almost done with 2nd graduate class
*Planning and coordinating three early spring 2009 weddings
*New hairstyle
*Events galore in the next 3mos... 4 to be exact!

Okay, well I certainly have work to do! I will post more often, I promise. I will leave you with this...

Pop Art Me thanks to my new MacBook Pro!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Endless Inbox

We dropped off the bebes at Pre-School this morning. And they didn't even cry. Awww..

I totally trust her with the babes so I have no worries. I just miss them, but I have loads to take care this week.

*get a copy of my SS card (can't find it for who knows what reason!).
*get a MASSAGE
*get my NU transcript
*bring my transcript to my district so I can apply for my Filipino Credential
*go to the Town & Country suites to plan out our VIP Lounge for SDAFF 2008
*FINISH my paper
*do my homework (discussion boards unlimited.. ay yay yay!)
*go bowling haha
*buy tickets for Dark Knight IMAX
*prep for First Day of School on the 19th!
*finish unfinished blogs
*get my hair dyed and cut
*buy birthday gifts for my SIL, Tanya's son and Lee Ann

Oh it's endless.. my inbox will never be empty. And this is in addition to all the other million things that I have yet to do with the house. Unbelievable.

But it's all good. I'm not overwhelmed.. yet.. haha.

Okay, now I have to go and begin these tasks!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bakery Foodie Review - Elizabethan

Okay I just got back from Encinitas after a morning at the Quail Botanical Gardens and a nearby park.

The very reason for my journey up there was this bakery, oh and of course to playdate with some sweet friends.. hehe.

So I picked up $26.20 worth of Elizabethan Desserts, which I rated below (*poor to *****best):

Red Velvet cupcake *
Black & White cupcake *
Diggity Dang cupcake **
Anything & Everything Cookie ****
Magic Bar *****

Btw, I asked the cashier why it's pronounced "eliza-bee-thann".  She didn't know.  Then later that day, I was telling my friend that Elizabeth is a thespian.  She then brought up that that might be reason for the pronunciation... is she right?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Feels sooooooooooo Good

I am @ the Canyon Ranch Day Spa at The Venetian and I am looooooooooovin' it! If only I had more time! I forgot how soothing the smell that emanates from a spa. There's that combination of mint, eucalyptus and spearmint aroma that fills the Spa. I have GOT to do this more often!

Tonight we are then off to see the Blue Man Group so that should be fun.

More about this fab vacay later!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pamilya Update

I figured since I do an update on me, well then I should do one on my family! That way you don't have to wait to read it in our Christmas Annual Newsletter.


Kyan Xander

  • This boy blows me away sometimes. Kai knows and recognizes songs and artists. Unfortunately, it's nothing like London Bridge or Twinkle twinkle. Kai will hear "In Da Club" and will immediately say "Usher!"... hahaha or Apologize by One Republic comes on and he'll say, "Gagawockeez!" (Jabbawockeez). And everytime, he will call and point out a hummer.

  • Unlike his baby sister, which you will read more about below, KX is p-i-c-k-y! It is a challenge to get him to eat healthy. Sadly, he's more like me when it comes to eating.

Nakia Jordan

  • Took her first step on June 10th (Hb JS!) and is now working the floor. NJ does occassionally crawl, but she's putting in some major footwork.

  • Niki still eats anything and everything. This girl does NOT refuse food, well when she's full, but for some reason I see no end. Mahal calls her "double fisted" because seriously she has to have food in both her hands. Amazing, this girl!!

  • Can you all say madaldal (muh-dull-dull)? That means talkative. I honestly think she started saying more words than her Kuya Kai. In addition to her babble, she says, "good girl, money, dirty, please, juice, tickle (her first word btw), up, bye, hi, wow, Mommy, Daddy, Mimah, Nana, Happy birthday to you (to you, sounds like "Dewey")", juice, thank you, Kuya Kai (to you, "Cookie").   I think that's just about it.
I know I can add more to this .. and I probably will later, but for now this will do.  :)

Opposite of Procrastination

Yes it is almost 3am and I am still awake.

I just finished my paper that is due Monday so I am soooooo relieved! Honestly, it is amazing when you don't procrastinate. I have the weekend to reap the benefits of proactivity! And if only I was a student like this in high school and college!

Anyway, I've started two blogs, but have yet to finish them due to priorities. *ahem* But I will get to them so not to worry! I love that I can do them on my phone. No, I do not have an Iphone. I love my Sidekick LX... so there!

Now after this weekend of rest and relaxation from school work, I have to get started on my final project because we are off to Sin City next Sunday for a one blazin' week!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The C.E. Update

Okay, I have got a few random thoughts that, instead of turning it into several blogs.. here's one:

  • Over halfway done with my first class of the MATLT (Master's of Arts in Teaching and Learning in Technology) program and I'm getting an A!
  • Went bowling the past two days and it was fun! I just might have to make it a regular activity. Even though I am NO good, I enjoyed it tons! Oh and of all things, I'm a goofy bowler. I'm better with my left arm!
  • I also played two games of pool. Although I don't consider great by any means, I won both games! Yay!
  • Loving my dance shows, SYTYCD and ABDC! It inspires me to get out there and dance again. One of these days, I will.
  • I need an organizer. I have way too much stuff and I need someone to help me organize. Seriously, if you can help me, please do!
  • I eat way too much junk food. Someone please remind me that even if Hostess is on sale, don't buy it! I don't even like the way it tastes. I really must stick to the higher quality of junk food.. hahaha.
  • We are now a Pro member of Flickr... so I will be fading out Picasaweb. I'm still trying to figure out a good permanent url. Should I go with AshandCat or BlessedCatherine or Blessed_AshandCat or CatibogJaravata?? Decisions, decisions!

Okay, that's enough randomness.. Hope this finds you all well as you read my ramblings!

Btw, if you are reading my blog, would you say hi? I would love to hear from you!

Catherine State Tennessee?!

I had a dream last night. And I actually remembered it.

I was at the airport getting ready to go to the Philippines with my mom, sister and the bambinos. And it was right then as we are entering the gate, that I remember that I don't have a passport and nor do the babies.

So they tell us we can go downstairs and they can make me one there... hahaha.. like that could really happen. But we went and I got a passport made for me. I was going to call Ashley to come pick up the kids because they didn't have passports either. I was hesitant to call because I thought he'd be in the middle of a game. I know, sounds crazy, doesn't it?!

So we get back up to the gate and they look at my passport and ask my mom if that was correct and she said yes. I look at it and it said, "Catherine State Tennessee". What in the world does that mean?! They asked me to sign something and I sign my real signature and they let me through.

Last I remember was that we were on the plane, minus the babies.

Strange dream... but then again, aren't they all?

Guess I better go renew my passport.. hahaha

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Birthday 2008

Today's my birthday. Well now that it's past midnight, it is the day after. But being that my birthday is a month celebration, it's quite all right to continue on.

I was a tad bummed because only two of my online friends wished me well today. I guess I'm just being too sensitive about it, but birthday threads get started all the time and well, I didn't get one. Oh well. And only 18 people can come to my birthday party on Saturday. Oh well with that too. It really doesn't help that it's that time of the month, which btw, could be a whole other blog!

Rather than dwell on that.. Let me stop complaining about who didn't remember and go on to who did!!

Thank you for the lovely birthday text messages from my cousin Ahna & Auntie Liza from the Philippines, my sweet students Karissa, Sabrina, Nikki, Alejah, Abi & Jojo, my brother Gene, my mom's bf Ken, my SDAFF friend Antho, my daddy, my CSUSM friend Maria, my big sorority sis Rozanna, my former students Jazmin & Myka, my choir buddy Dann & his wife Melba from New Jersey, old school friends Michelle C. & Bobbie Jean, my wedding coordinator turned great friend/Mare Joan'l, my homegirl colleague/great friend Sally, my sis' BFFs Jackielyn & Melissa, my mahal's BFF Tony & his wife, my mare Elsa and my KAMP friend Trish.

Thank you to all the IMs from my college friend/kumare Roanne, my former students Mae, Jamie Mae who's also my twin (Happy Birthday 21er!) & Karissa, my local celebrity friend Lee Ann and my darling baby sis Luvern.

Thank you to all the EMs from my childhood friend Myra, my AU advisor Danica, SDNW, and my co-scholar/AU classmate Tiffany.

Thank you to all my Friendster, Facebook, & MySpace comments from Genevieve, Millie, Joey V., Buddy, Bobbie Jean (on text, Face & MySp.. such a dang sweetheart!), sweet students Alyssa S., Projekt NewSpeak, former students Marivell, Divine, old school friend Venice, my lil twin AnAn, my wedding month twin Heather P., and my SDAFF Enoch.

Thank you to voice mails from my sweet & only living Lola, my friend/kumare Michele H., my high school Bff Sherrylynn and my childhood Bff Grace.

I spent the day with my mommy, my little sister and my bambinos shopping @ the Las Americas Outlets in San Ysidro. Of course, I spent the most of my time shopping for my babes. I didn't see anything for me, but that won't stop me from shopping later.. hehe. Anyway, we had great steak sandwiches for lunch and surf city squeeze smoothies.

We later drove home to meet the rest of the fam bam so we can drive up north and eat dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Mahal's parents also joined us. I ordered the Chicken Parmigiana and mixed Nakia's mizithra with it.. yummy! We finished dinner off with some spumoni and a chocolate mousse cake for me to blow as they sang to me.

I took a lot of photos so I'll definitely post later. After taking pictures and loading up the kiddos, our Land Rover decided it wouldn't start. It cranked but it didn't start. It's a good thing the rest of the fam didn't leave so we loaded up the kids in my dad's van and headed home while my brother Gene and Mahal waited for AAA.

They get home and guess what, the LR started.. omg.

I ended my birthday evening with finale of Bachelorette. And I look forward to my birthday party on Saturday. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Iron Girl 2008

Iron Girl #2 and I beat my time by 30some seconds. 51:37.. not anything to brag about especially since the 1st placer finished in 19 minutes.. yeah nice. There were two different legs; 5k & 10k. Of course, if you know me, you know which one I did.

Prior to the race, we were stuck in traffic. Who's crazy idea was it to move the race to the Fairgrounds?! Anyway, I got out of the car to run and get our bibs and timing chips. It worked out because they started the race late anyway. So we were able to meet up with my colleague Allison and her friend Morgan. It was nice bring them along for the ride this year.

But this time, I was madddd sore. #1 I did nothing to train or prepare myself for this race. #2 I pushed myself hard especially at the end. My sister was literally pushing me before the finish line. I think, no I know I paced myself wrong. And my breathing is all messed up. It probably did not help that the course changed this year, not a straightaway like last year's.

I have to say though, when I ran, it felt pretty good. Good enough that I am considering taking up running... hmmmm

Here's me going uphill.. not a champion photo, but hey..

Oh and here's my triathlete sister who's my biggest fitness inspiration...

After we finished our race, we were handed our beautiful Iron Girl medals and an Aflac duck sponge soaked in ice water. I was more concerned about getting my shoes wet.. haha. Then we got in line for our dri-fit shirts and proceeded to fall in line for our breakfast.

I love Iron Girl for the treatment we get and the fun freebies that came along with the very affordable admission fee. You ladies will have to join us next year.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grad Program Here I Come!

I am officially a graduate student!

Today was my first day and I couldn't even log on. My advisor (who btw I first heard from only a week ago) calls me this morning to tell me that she got the wrong calendar and thought I started on the 24th. This is, of course, after I emailed her that my co-scholar was starting today.

She gets me enrolled in the class, but I couldn't even log onto Blackboard which is what we use for my district so I'm very familiar with it.

I contacted tech support and they told me that I need to create my student portal but she told me that takes a while. It's a requirement to log on twice a week at the very least. Now if I could only do that. I have made many unsuccessful attempts.

Great way to start my MATLT (Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Technology program!

Proud of my former student

He submitted 6 pieces to the San Diego County Fair and 5 were accepted.. this is one of his pieces!

scarlett II by ~jerameha on deviantART

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Make Money Daddy

Last week, it is morning and I am still in bed with Kyan awake sitting in bed with me. Mahal is just about to leave for work.

Kyan calls out to his daddy at the door, "Night night Daddy," motioning him to come back to bed.

Awwww. Kai called out to his daddy again.

Mahal walks over to him and said, "Daddy has to go to work. Daddy has to make money." Mahal hugs and kisses Kai and off to work he went.

A couple minutes later...

"Make money Daddy." I thought, what?! And again, my 2yo son replies "Make money Daddy."

Kai has said many words and sentences before but this was funny. Just really funny!

The Perfect Version of Me

And this is me at 15mos.. Is she my mini-me or what?!

My little princess
My sweet cupcake
My NJ babygirl

It was only recently that I did something and figured it out...

My daughter, Nakia Jordan is the perfect version of me..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Methodology Books?! Arrgh!

Oh boy, am I in for it now?!

I just enrolled for a methodology course with NU today. It's a class that I need in order to apply for my SS (single subject) credential.

Right now, I'm stressed because the class actually started on Monday so I have to bum rush through all the assignments! But I've got no books!! And they're all due on SUNDAY! Arrrgh!

So I'm going to hit up Borders and Barnes tomorrow.. well I'll call first. I checked online with Borders and it's there, but is it in the store? We'll see.

I also did mass email to my board friends and colleagues to see if any of them possibly have it.

And just in case, for any of my beautiful readers, check your bookshelves for these:
0-13-119111-X Teaching in k-12 Schools Edition: 4 Published: 2006 Author: Eby

0-205-57860-8 Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers Edition: 8 Published: 2008 Authors: Edmund T. Emmer, Carolyn M. Evertson

They're pretty new so I've got a challenged ahead of me. Ay yayay!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thoughts and Prayers please

I'm dealing with family issues right now. I'm not really sure when and where to begin, but when I am ready to share, I will.

If you're reading this, will you just keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you much. I really do appreciate it very much.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Only say the Word and I shall be Healed

It is 3:09a and yes, I am still up.

I'm tired, but I know that if I sleep, it will all just happen again.

The swelling.

I am still having to deal with swelling when I sleep at night. I don't want to sleep because it'll just get back on that dreaded cycle again. I really wish the swelling would go away. The electrocautery back in December really traumatized my tongue, because almost six months later and I am still swelling.

When I was discharged back in October, it took almost two months to get me back to normal.. well, my normal. I was able to speak comfortably, clearly and eat with ease. Then I decided that I should get cauterized because I was bleeding way too much. What I should have done was stay away from the electrocautery and stuck to the old-fashioned cautery on a qtip. And sorry to get graphic, but there were parts under my tongue that would soak up three, sometimes four gauzes. So I was willing and open to give electrocautery a chance.

I was so concerned with becoming anemic again and having to get a third blood transfusion. So I got cauterized, which this time served as a detriment. Well it was bittersweet, so to say. The bleeding stopped. However, the swelling went back to its routine.

I sleep.

My tongue swells.

I wake up swollen.

Swelling decreases as the day moves on.

And the cycle repeats itself.

Frankly, I have gotten very frustrated. I noticed that I am a crabbier person. I don't do anything around the house. I do not have the energy to organize or clean. I know that I am lazy, but this really is pretty ridiculous. There is so much clutter in my house that I can barely stand it, but yet I do nothing. I wish that wasn't so, but my condition is awfully hard to tolerate.

Last week, my AIM away message that I wrote read, "I have to remember to count my blessings." That I certainly need to do because as of right now, I am sitting here upright on my contour cushion in bed, still wishing I didn't have this swelling problem.

But I think about those who are far less fortunate, even sicker than myself, that I really have no right to complain.

Oh dear God, only say the Word and I shall be healed.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It hurts to cry right now. Literally, my right temple hurts when I cry.

Why are you crying?, you ask.

Today, my friend's dad passed away. As soon as my friend found it he was in critical condition, she flew out to him. He passed away this afternoon.

This makes me sad because I don't see my dad as often as I want to. I feel that, while I am an adult, I still need my dad present in my life. I wish he would make time to see me, his grandkids. We are all not getting any younger, especially my babies. I want them to know who their Lolo is.

In addition to thinking about dads, I just finished watching a crier; Patch Adams. We all know this movie is based on a true story. And what a phenomenal story he is.

I am most sad of him losing the love of his life. Incredible tragedy that was. I mean, they had just hit their breaking point. It's sooo sad that it was then her life was taken. I know that this was part of her Master plan, but I can't help but think of what could've been and that just makes me sad.

I'm so emotional right now.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Padres Teacher's Appreciation Night

What a great night!

We arrived at the VIP entrance to meet Ashford University president, Ashford University Dean, the past two recipients and the three other recipients of the scholarship. Ironically enough, I had a connection with two of the other recipients. Jay happened to be a colleague from another school I taught at and Tiffany happened to be a fella Alpha Chi from college. It was nice, too, to be able to talk to the past scholarship recipients, Dan & Lindsey, about their experiences this past year in the program. Nicely enough, they will be completely done in six weeks. To hear that they are close to completion was great, because I anticipate being done next year as well. On top of that, Ashford University president mentioned that this year's local San Diego graduates flew to Iowa to walk with the remainder of their graduating class!

Following our introductions, we entered the gate so that the Pad Squad could give us our credentials to go on the field. Courtesy of Padres and Donovan's, I was given a gift bag that included:
* Padres coin
* Padres flag/banner
* Padres hat
* $150 gc to Donovan's

Awesome huh! We were escorted on the field where we were placed in order of presentation. A group photo was taken before they announced and presented all of San Diego County 2008 Teachers of the Year. Cool because I got to see another colleague from the school I first taught at.

It was then our turn and we were asked to stand at home base and lo and behold, who do I see?! Matty!! A friend from college (Yes Jenna Benna, our Matty!). He happened to be shooting the game and he even came up to me and gave me a hug. Awwww, I miss that guy! It was so nice to see him. He has always been sooo sweet. Anyway, it was cool that he was the videographer.

Following my mini-reunion, we were then announced and presented a framed certificate of our scholarship award. Thank you again to my principal and colleagues; Joyce, Rick, Tram, Elaine & Gabi for their letters of recommendations for my application.

After the presentation, we were then escorted off the field and directed to the Western Metal Box Seats. Food and drinks at our leisure, a great view AND the Padres WON!!! And my sweet mommy brought me a bouquet of stargazers that I now have in my classroom. Smells and looks beautiful!

It was definitely a great night to be a Teacher in San Diego, especially for this one! Thank you to my family, friends and colleagues that came out to the game and cheered me on! Thank you to my siblings, my sister especially, for watching the babes throughout the evening. Thank you to all congratulatory ims, emails, and texts. I appreciate your kind words and support! I could certainly use them as I go through this program!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Inactivity this past month

I haven't blogged in almost a month... not cool!

Anyway, I am blogging now even though I should really be sleeping because I've got to be out the door by 7a tomorrow.. or later this morning.

I didn't even get to blog on Nakia's birthday.. awww ;*( I gotta tell ya though, she looked super cute on her day.. SIX different outfits! That was so dang fun!

In addition to Naki's party, I just spent a whole week at school for rehearsals for Pilipino Culture Night (PCN)! Thankfully, all done, but they did a great job. Wished, however, they were more appreciative of my time and effort. Being an advisor feels like a thankless job. But then, that's a whole other blog.

So I shall snuggle between my sheets and see ya when I see ya.. probably tomorrow.. or later.. haha.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

15 months

Yesterday we had dinner with one of our friends, my sister's close friend, who is leaving for Afghanistan on deployment next week. My sister's close friend will be leaving behind a spouse and a 2.5yo daughter for 15 months!

I honestly couldn't do that. I couldn't leave my spouse and kids to work in another state, let alone another country for 15 months, albeit three of those months will be in Kansas for training. It still baffles me that a family is going to be separated. Although an officer and a hospital administrator, our friend would still need to be prepared to open fire at any given time, thus the training in Kansas. They would still need to carry a 9 mil at all times. Wow!

But then I shouldn't be surprised. These kinds of things happen every day. These people make these kinds of sacrifices every day. They leave their family because their orders take them to another state, another country.

Why, then, couldn't this person take their spouse and daughter with them? Because he, too, is in the military too and his orders are to stay in San Diego. Our friend leaving for Afghanistan is a female and next week, she will be without her husband and daughter for 15 months.

I mean, how do they (the military) decide who's going to go where and when and for how long. So many things race my mind when I think of them. Not that it would make things better, but why couldn't it have been her husband? Why couldn't it have been another family with older children? I don't know. I just pray for her safety and well being during her deployment.

Seriously, I cannot even imagine being a young mommy having to leave your daughter for that long. I commended her for her courage because God knows I could not have done that. I also thanked her for sacrificing this separation as she departs from the two people she most loves in this world.

God speed!

Thursday, April 17, 2008



I am so excited! I can't even describe how excited I am! I'm also nervous too, but I'm way more excited!

I won a full scholarship to get my Master's Degree!! I applied for it back in March and had to include an essay and letters of recommendations; one from my principal and one from a colleague. I asked more than one colleague because my time frame (a week) was so short and Joyce, Rick, Tram, Gabi, and Elaine so graciously gave up their time to write me one! I am so thankful for their kind words!

Actually, I thought that I didn't get it because they said we were going to be notified by Tax Day. I checked my email all day and nada. So I made the assumption that I wasn't chosen.

Early Thursday morning, two days later, I go to my box only to see an envelope addressed to me from Ashford University. I nearly cried when I opened that letter only to see the words, "CONGRATULATIONS!" WOWOWOWOW! Even more, it said that I and the other recipients, the select few in San Diego County, will be recognized on the baseball field at Padres Teacher's Appreciation Night at Petco Park on May 20th!! I am soooo thrilled and can hardly wait!!

You know, I was going to get my Master's inevitably but now I get a full ride! Thank you to my sweet husband for editing my essay. How blessed am I! Literally!!!

If you all can, come out and have fun with me on May 20th!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Virtual Friends

So I've been discovering other blogs online. They're blogs of my online friends. Another world that most of my other friends don't really know about.

When I got engaged with mahal back in 2003, I stumbled upon a wedding planning website (BI) that had a discussion board (DB) that I regularly I visited and posted. In no time, I had my own wedding journal and blogging my wedding planning journey. I was just chatting to Joan'l (close friend of BI/NI) that I need to print that blog out or transfer it somewhere just so that I have my keepsake.

Anyway, after one marries, you kind of graduate on to the sister website, (NI). That's of course, if you choose to. There were a lot of brides that I befriended on BI that I wished had moved on to NI, but I suppose after the wedding planning ended so did their venture with BI/NI.

Why did I bring this up? Because some of my online friends decided to leave NI for whatever reasons. I missed seeing them online so I did a search and found out that something happened, some kind of controversy and difference of opinions, to cause them to leave. I didn't think that drama could happen on a DB, but it can. It is a whole other community that I am part of. I found it incredibly interesting that so much can come off of words. But I guess there is less to fear when it is typewritten, emailed, texted, etc. as oppose to being upfront in someone's face.

Regardless, I am still online with NI, just not as much as I was before. I am glad that I get to "see" my other friends on their blogs. I almost think it's better.. hehe.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Can't reach it."

Oh my goodness! I just got my first taste of laziness from my son! I seriously could not believe it! I am still laughing just thinking about our conversation last night.

Replay ...

We are in the Master bedroom, watching the "Elmo in Grouchland" dvd and Kyan was thirsty so I told him I was going to go get him some more milk downstairs. It's not a minute and he's yelling for me. Oh my goodness.. Anyway, I return and I hand it to him and he drinks for a couple minutes. He then motions his sippy cup towards me.

"Mommy, hold it."

"Kai, put it in the refridgerator please." Yes, we have a fridge in our Master.

"Hold it Mommy."

"Go ahead, you can walk over to the fridge and put it inside."

"Hold it."

"Kyan, stand up baby and walk to the fridge and put your milk inside there."

"Can't reach it."

Pause. Wha?!!! Are you serious?! Did I hear him right? Did he really just say that?!

"Can't reach it."

This child seriously cracks my up. That is the first time those words, let alone the word "can't" came out of his mouth. Oh - my - goodness!

Seriously, I'm laughing, but I'm not. Because if this is any indication of what life will be like with him growing up.. oh my goodness, we're in trouble! haha.

At any rate, I walked over to the other side of the bed, helped him come off the bed and inched him towards the fridge as I monitored. He did it. He put his milk in the refridgerator.

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Thank you."

O M G!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Target shopping tomorrow!! Haha

For those of you who don't already know...

This was too good not to share!

Blog name change

When I first started blogging, it was with the intention of sharing the experience with my family. But I have since then realized that my family and close friends wouldn't be the only ones reading this. As a matter of fact, anyone could be reading this now.

So I decided to change it. I think it's temporary though. I'm trying to think of something more clever or cool.. hehe. I mean, what it is really is me having my own column at USA Today.. haha.. not. I'm not that cool of a writer to do that or smart enough, if even that. Wish I was though. I mean, I'm the Assistant Advisor to our newspaper. I should be good, right? haha... I've so wandered OTT.

Anyway to maintain some anonymity, I've changed it. Even though, if someone really wanted to, they could follow my blogs and really find out who I am, where I work and maybe even my address. A little scary but with a click here and there, it probably wouldn't take very long.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Two years of Kyan Xander

And so my son turned TWO and we have certainly been blessed with a joy and a half!

Our Kyan Xander has quite a personality! And his vocab has continued to broaden. I am still baffled by how time flies so swiftly when you have children.

We love our LO and look forward to many years of sweet Kai Kai!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Can't Possibly Imagine

Saw the Sixth Sense today. It's not like I haven't seen it before, but it does still make me sad. I told myself that I was going to write letters to my mahal and our bambinos, should, God forbid, anything happened.

A couple months ago I started one letter..

Dearest Bee,

I can't possibly imagine my life without you. You are and will forever be my soulmate. I can't even type this without crying because I don't ever want to know what my world would be like without you in it.

If you're reading this, then something must have taken me away from this earth. Please know I feel your pain and I know it's going to be hard, but we are so lucky to have the wonderful family that we have to help us in any way.. Well except my family on the financial part.. Haha.

Anyway, mahal ko, thank you for the beautiful life you shared with me. Thank you for the unconditional love you showered me with. I seriously didn't think I'd ever meet anyone, especially with my birth defect. I felt, and I know I shouldn't, but I felt like I was damaged goods. I really didn't think I'd find the perfect man for me.

Mahal, you always made me feel so beautiful even when I clearly wasn't, especially in the morning haha! Oh and of course when I was sick. You took the best care you possibly could of me. How lucky can a woman be.
And that's not the half of what you do for me, our babies and our families. You are so genuine, so caring, and so loving. How ever did I get so lucky?!

Written 1.23.08 mid air AA

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Remain Hopeful

So sorry for the delay.. I seriously didn't think anyone read my blog.. Haha. Thank you Miss Bean!

And once you've read it, you will have thought, "oh that's all."

Okay, so Tom comes in and tells me that he's got news for me. The first thing I say was, "Is this good or bad?" And he says both. *Sigh* And just when I thought I was in the clear. Last week all notices were sent out so i assumed the latter.

"You're going to be receiving a letter." Yikes, a letter?! Oh this can't be good. Basically, because of my credentials (Mult Sub Clad and Filipino) I will be displaced from my home turf MC, part time. Did I say that right? Anyway, I am most likely going to have to commute next Fall.

Unbelievable though, what the DO is even suggesting. In all honesty, it would be physically impossible to do what they think I should do.

Teach @ MC 60% then go to elementary for 40%, which is incredible to even consider. Tom himself said that he doesn't even know how that's going to work.

So he thought maybe I'd teach @ MC then go to the other high school WV bc they pink slipped the other Filipino Language teacher. I haven't spoken to her but all but 3 from World Language department were let go. So I assumed she, too, was affected. I should contact her. I will.

So my worst case scenerio is that I'd have to commute between 2 high schools and an elementary.. Crazy huh?! But seeing that that is physically impossible, I'm going to assume I will travel between two places in a work day.

Not the ideal situation, but I've done it before between BV and MC. And that was a difference of almost 40m! Yeah, I must have been crazy. And would you believe that a good amount of that year, I didn't have a car and mahal was my personal chauffeur! Itf how much he's sacrificed for me!

Okay so the good news is that I am still 100% full time. And Tom said that everything is contingent on the numbers/enrollment and we all know that that changes throughout the first two weeks of school. So we'll see! I have to remain hopeful that I won't have to commute, but even if I had to, I can't complain. Worse, I could have been out of a job.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

News for me

I'm in my classroom today working on 6wk progress certificates and watching hip hop choreographer auditions at the same time, when in walks Tom.... my principal.

He has news for me. Good or bad, I was already feeling kind of nervous.

I want to go more in depth, but I'm actuall falling asleep now, so I will continue this another time.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bahay (House) Checklist

It's kinda funny that once you get older, your priorities have changed ten-fold!

I sent mahal an email on Feb 25th.

Hi Nee (oooh, long time since I used that on you yeah?!),

From who knows where am I getting all this energy, but I am on a mission to get our house in order.

In random order, these are things that need to be bought...
  • new door locks
  • beveled door
  • alarm for the house (pending thoughts)
  • paint for the fam room
  • motion sensor lights for outside of the house
  • black leather couch
  • re-upholster living room set
  • window treatments for master
  • window treatments for fam room
  • roll out drawers for the pantry
  • new kitchen floor (not white)
  • lower the kitchen counter above the sink
  • new refrigerator filter
  • vacuum bags Eureka Model HP5505
  • duvet for the other comforter
  • get shoe organizers
  • chocolate fountain (*winkwink*)
  • new shower head
  • new shower tile
  • new shower period
  • new tile in the master bath
Things to DIY...
  • get rid of all clothes, shoes and items that we aren't using (IP)
  • clear the garage so at least two cars can park in there
  • organize mail (IP)
  • finish wiring in fam room (IP)
  • paint fam room
  • change the sheets and add a bedskirt
  • cut the wood on the other side of the patio door so it fits perfectly and Kyan won't be able to open it anymore
  • dispose of old, bad batteries
  • bring 1 of the automatic trash cans downstairs
  • do taxes
  • make room for shoe organizers in the garage (I'm thinking of stacking two right on the side of the fridge, by the door and garage opener buttons)
  • clear master bath sink tops
  • clear under sink storage
  • find 24 season 4 disc 1
  • put away Christmas stuff
  • start meal planning (IP)
  • organize master closet (IP)

I know this will be an ongoing list, but having everything listed will help us accomplish each task. Definitely edit as you see fit!~ Can you tell I'm on a roll? I seriously don't know where this motivation is coming from! It's not like I'm nesting.. or am I? haha.. only God knows. And only God can help us! Love you beibyboy!!

Since, 2.25, the bold have been done.. not too bad I guess.. hehe But now, I've thought of more to add to the neverending list. I have come to realize that there will always be something in our "inbox". But that certainly is okay. It's not about who has the most toys at the end anyway. It's about who can put them away neatly.. j/k, I just made that up. haha!

Monday, January 14, 2008

You wanna be from San Diego right now!

The most exhilarating, catch my breath, adrenaline rush I've had in awhile... and it was soooooo worth it!

Now if we'd have flown there, can you even possibly imagine?!

Post-win, the feeling is totally surreal! I just hope LT and Rivers'll be up to par for this Sunday's game at 3p eastern. (Side note: I lost a bet to mahal bc I could have sworned I saw 2pm eastern for the game time. Now I owe my bee a 20m massage.. hehe)

Anyway, I am thrilled. Sunday couldn't get here fast enough!!!