Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To Resolute the New Year

2010 Givens & Leisures

What I've done hear is enhanced my 2009 list. I will BOLD what I was able to work on. Not as much as I anticipated, but it's all good. I will continue my mission. So in random order, I hope to accomplish the following in 2010:

The givens...
  1. pray more (for continued blessings and the less fortunate)
  2. lose weight (ideally 30 lbs, realistically 15 lbs)
  3. exercise more (I ran last week so I kinda started early!)
  4. get my M.A.
  5. have someone help me organize my life
  6. give/donate a LOT of my things
  7. even though I don't want to, do more chores
  8. spend quality time with family
  9. follow up on my health (dental included)
  10. be more financially responsible
  11. spend money on investments not expendables
  12. eat healthier
Now onto the leisures...
  1. take a photography/photoshop class
  2. take dance classes
  3. start up yoga again
  4. become either a eucharistic minister or lector
  5. scrapbook more
  6. gtg more often with friends
  7. keep in touch more often
I should post this up in my room so that I could see this visual reminder of what I should stay focused on. 2010 = FOCUS.