Friday, January 8, 2010

Pamilya Update

It's been ages since I've done a family update so here's one, long overdue.


  • He hardly plays his ultimate favorite game SWGB because most of the players have gone onto a new game called O. It pretty much rules your life. He tried it out, but he had to stop because he couldn't monitor it 24-7. He does still have a full time job.
  • He organized the kitchen so it is more user friendly.
  • He will be learning more about stocks so that he become a rich dad, not a poor dad. hehe

Kyan Xander

  • My babyboy is very much growing up! He continues to blow me away. At 3.5, he is well into reading and writing his name. He already knows the basics; ABCs, colors, shapes, and even science.
  • Kai still loves music. The other day, while we are listening to the radio in the car, a song comes on that he likes. He begins singing, "How low can you go? How low can you go?" Then I ask him if he knows who sings this song. "Ludacris." A-wha! I was surprised. I didn't expect him to get it. I then told him that I met Ludacris. "Mommy, I wanna MET him too." hahahha
  • Kai is definitely a typical boy. He loves planes, trains and automobiles. He's still great with identifying all kinds of makes and models.
  • KX is really beginning to be a lot more like me especially in eating habits. I am definitely trying to steer him away from that.
Nakia Jordan

  • Nakia is truly a gem. She has learned so much so fast upon enrolling her in preschool. She just started to doing lessons this week and everything she has done is beyond our expectations.
  • NJ also loves music. You will always find her singing; in the car, in the house, in the bath, playing, everywhere. Her favorites are Papparazzi, I Gotta Feeling, Down (she calls this one the "sky is falling down song").
  • Now when it comes to eating, Niki still eats anything and everything. She has developed a sense of taste for what she likes, but she will always try something first. If she doesn't like it, she will express it. NJ is much more like her Daddy when it comes to appetite.
  • For months, we have been trying to potty train her. You can most certainly see her moods and emotions evolve. She can be stubborn sometimes, thus the months of trying to get her on the potty. She has, however, made some progress this week. Last night, she made it known that she needed to go potty. I followed to sit her on the potty and she tells me, "I need privacy." I walk out of the bathroom then next thing you know I hear her peeing in the potty. I got so excited for her! Maybe, perhaps, this is the last box of pullups we buy for her.
I know I can add more to this .. and I probably will later, but for now this will do. :)

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