Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Path to Healthiness

2010 and I have made the decision to hold myself accountable for my physical fitness. This is definitely not an easy feat, but reassured I am committed to heading down the pathway of healthiness.

First day back at the gym in years and it feels good to actually get back into training my muscles to work again. My brother's gf, darling sweet Tracie Viles, got me working. I began my core yesterday and will be working on my chest and tris today.

My eating habits have already changed. I started READING labels and cutting down on empty, useless calories. I am working on portion control as well and eating more greens. I am truly fortunate that although I've put on quite a bit of weight, I have a husband who still loves me for who I am and continually tells me that I'm beautiful. At the same time, he encourages me.

My ultimate goal is to lose the babyfat in my midsection. Having two 9lb babies and getting sick gave me an excuse to let myself go. I know there are many mommies out there that have many more babies and still look physically fantastic. I want to be that good, physically fit mommy.

I want to be happy with my physique again. Daily, I find myself looking in the mirror and figuring out what clothes could make me APPEAR thin. I don't want to do that anymore. So I will work on my body as it is a temple. Cliche, but "we truly are what we eat" and I need to get it in my head that "a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips". I believe that now.

Before the kids came, I could eat anything and everything and my weight would not change. After I had Nakia Jordan, I lost all of the pregnancy weight and then some, however it was due to my illness. I could barely eat anything. Chewing was not an option so my diet consisted merely of very soft foods like oatmeal, soups and Ensure. As soon as I was able to chew food again, I ate and ate and ate.. and ate. I always said that I would rather be fat and healthy then skinny and sick.

Now I just want to be healthy and healthy. So as I move towards to my weight loss and nutrition improvement, I call to all of you for moral support which I'm sure I will inevitably receive. I thank you in advance.

1 comment:

Jimmy Simpson said...

You are a good blogger
Jimmy Simpson
Wedding Cake Writer