Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grad Program Here I Come!

I am officially a graduate student!

Today was my first day and I couldn't even log on. My advisor (who btw I first heard from only a week ago) calls me this morning to tell me that she got the wrong calendar and thought I started on the 24th. This is, of course, after I emailed her that my co-scholar was starting today.

She gets me enrolled in the class, but I couldn't even log onto Blackboard which is what we use for my district so I'm very familiar with it.

I contacted tech support and they told me that I need to create my student portal but she told me that takes a while. It's a requirement to log on twice a week at the very least. Now if I could only do that. I have made many unsuccessful attempts.

Great way to start my MATLT (Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Technology program!

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