Thursday, August 28, 2008

K & N's Montessori

A little update on the babes and pre-school.. they're doing well!

Kai goes five days a week while Niki goes three days.  She only goes part time because Ms. Riffi (their teacher) doesn't have the capacity for her age group full time.

Mahal takes them in the morning (I prep their clothes for them) while I pick them up in the afternoon.  I love it when I get there because I wait until they've noticed that I've arrived.  And it is soooo awesome when you see that look, the element of surprise as they see someone they love.  Kyan's hilarious; he screams and runs right to me!  Nakia is shortly behind him.  I love it!  
I can't wait to actually see them bring some school work home.. hehe.  It'll probably be a bit, but I'm looking forward to it.

I know it costs a lot of money.  I mean, for Kai alone is over $10k in a year.  Nonetheless, I am very happy to have them there.  Riffi & Shermeen take good care of our bambinos and it shows.


little miss bean said...

i love that moment of surprise too! they are always just so thrilled to see their mommies! xoxo

little miss bean said...

so sorry to hear all that is going on. someday we will have to chat and catch up and cry and all that good stuff! it's been far too long, my friend! xoxo