Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blog name change

When I first started blogging, it was with the intention of sharing the experience with my family. But I have since then realized that my family and close friends wouldn't be the only ones reading this. As a matter of fact, anyone could be reading this now.

So I decided to change it. I think it's temporary though. I'm trying to think of something more clever or cool.. hehe. I mean, what it is really is me having my own column at USA Today.. haha.. not. I'm not that cool of a writer to do that or smart enough, if even that. Wish I was though. I mean, I'm the Assistant Advisor to our newspaper. I should be good, right? haha... I've so wandered OTT.

Anyway to maintain some anonymity, I've changed it. Even though, if someone really wanted to, they could follow my blogs and really find out who I am, where I work and maybe even my address. A little scary but with a click here and there, it probably wouldn't take very long.

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